Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Questions about Using Maxaderm

What distinguishes Maxaderm from just another natural/herbal supplement? Because it is not a pill, rather, a topical treatment, therefore, Maxaderm is able to instantly improve erection quality and firmness directly to the source. Maxaderm's formula - Vastoram Auctum creates an immediate effect because the ingredients directly stimulate the skin tissue associated with arousal and orgasm rather than going through the extensive dilutive processes of the digestive system in the case of taking a pill.

Because everyone's body makeup is different, results of using Maxaderm may differ from one person to the next. And you must allow yourself/your body the time to adjust to the treatment. But generally speaking, Maxaderm will start to work immediately and you will notice a difference at the first application. However, visual results may take up to 8 to 12 weeks for an average male.

It is recommended that users stay consistent with Maxaderm for 5 weekly treatments, though if an application is missed occasionally it should not interfere with the overall success of your progress. After the initial phase, it is then recommended that users be on a maintenance phase of 1 - 3 applications per week as is necessary or whenever you need that extra boost. Note that if you choose to stop using Maxaderm completely, you may eventually lose some of the gains you have achieved, again depending on the individual.

But what if you choose to continue using Maxaderm, does that mean my erection will continue to keep gaining quality and firmness? The answer is yes and no. If fact, any company that would claim that improvements in your erection will continue forever should be approached with caution. With regular use, the body will adapt to the constant increase in stimulation, ultimately creating an enhanced result. That's why the maintence program is important to follow through once you've achieved your desired firmness and quality.


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